Additive Inverse of Complex Numbers proof

The real part (one side) must equal the real part of the other side, and the coefficients of the imaginary parts of both sides must be equal. this gives us
a + c + (b + d)i = 0 + 0i -> a + c = 0 and b + d = 0 -> c=-a d=-b

the additive inverse of z was defined as as c+di. –> F = -a +(-b)i -> F=-a-bi


Heine Borel Theorem: a set in R is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. Different concepts of compactness can be equivalent in a metric space. One such concept uses the idea of an open cover. Let M be a metric space and A⊆M

i) A cover of A is a family V of sets such that A ⊆ U V. V is an open cover if all sets in V are open. a subcover of the cover V is a subcollection of V whose union also contains A. subcover is finite if it contains only finitely many sets.