Closed union of subsets in a compact space
compact and connected sets final
Proposition: A set is connected if and only if it is an interval, that is, of the form [a,b], [a,b), or (a,b) where a or b can be plus or minus infinity.
Proposition: If A in n-dimensional R space is open and connected, then it is path-connected.
Continuous Mapping and Connectedness
compactness is a collection of sets
compactness in terms of a collection of sets and subsets. converges to a point in the domain of the metric space.
Heine Borel Theorem: a set in R is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. Different concepts of compactness can be equivalent in a metric space. One such concept uses the idea of an open cover. Let M be a metric space and A⊆M
i) A cover of A is a family V of sets such that A ⊆ U V. V is an open cover if all sets in V are open. a subcover of the cover V is a subcollection of V whose union also contains A. subcover is finite if it contains only finitely many sets.